The only difference is the improved graphics in the special edition. Skyrim Legendary comes first before Skyrim Special Edition. After playing vanilla Skyrim for so long it’s like playing a brand new game! Should I play Skyrim Legendary or special? You can play with mods on the PS4 as well (though not as many as pc). The complete edition is definitely worth it. It features everything that LE does, as well as: 64bit engine. Skyrim SE is basically a much better version of Skyrim, no matter what someone else tells you. A tonne of mods will be made but not all the great and classic mods from the original game will be made as a lot of modders stopped modding and their permissions may or may not grant others to work on it for the new game. So at the moment, Skyrim is the one to go for. I am also not entirely sure what all Skyrim 2020 does. Most Skyrim textures don’t support parallax, because it requires ENB. Parallax is essentially extra information stored in a texture (bump or normal map) that allows some fancy math to fake 3D. Dragonborn HD Ultra – Volume One – Apocrypha (for Skyrim: Special Edition).Enhanced Textures Detail (UV-Tweaks) (for Skyrim: Special Edition).Skyland- A Landscape Overhaul for Skyrim (for Skyrim: Special Edition).Cathedral Weathers and Seasons (for Skyrim: Special Edition).

Some PCs can run these Mods better than others. What is the best graphics mod for Skyrim?